About Us
This page provided information about who we are including our Mission Statement and Goals.
We were originally a loose knit group of researchers who were bonded together by a similar interest. That interest is understanding the process the used to build the Great Pyramid why the Original Builders went to the effort to build their masterpiece.
We were dissatisfied by both conventional and non-conventional theories which have been offered to the general public. We felt that the Great Pyramid was not primitive in its construction or purpose but that it was both sophisticated in its construction method and its purpose justified it’s construction.
Ultimately we banded together and formed a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit foundation headquarter in Oregon. We have a board of directors, pro-bono legal counsel, advisers, supporters and associates involved in our research. Not everyone involved in the work of our foundation is located in southwestern Oregon. With the Internet many of our contributors, advisers, fellow researchers and other participants are spread out all over the world.
Although the focus of our research is on how and why the Great Pyramid water pump was built, we are interested in a number of new and emerging technologies from whatever source both ancient and modern. It is part of our Mission Statement to work to redevelop these various technologies for our modern but troubled world. We have done on-site research activities at the Great Pyramid of Giza and have also done work as a think tank.
Our contention is that water was a pivotal aspect in the construction and purpose of the Great Pyramid. We contend that the Great Pyramid was assembled using water barges, and water locks. This fascinating construction process is described in the book: Lost Technologies of the Great Pyramid written by Steven Myers. Our foundation has produced a video series that provides a basic presentation of how the stones were moved and set in place. Please click on the Video Series link to go to the video series.
We also contend that the purpose of the Great Pyramid is even more fascinating then the process used to build this structure. We contend that the Great Pyramid was planned and built to be infrastructure for the civilization which created this structure. This infrastructure was a functioning machine which provided tangible prosperity for those who made the wise investment to build the Great Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid was a machine built to pump water! To many that is an astounding assertion but Steven Myers has written his second book about how the Great Pyramid Water Pump operated. This book is titled: The Great Pyramid Prosperity Machine. The contention of his book and the direction of our foundation’s research is that the complex arrangement of passages and chamber in the Great Pyramid was designed and built to be a massive and efficient water pumping system.
Mission Statement
The Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation is an Oregon based, 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of decentralized, energy efficient, non-polluting energy technologies. Our interests include responsible stewardship of the environment, conservation, and renewable, inexpensive energy systems.
We feel many of our goals can be achieved through the development of new and emerging energy and conservation technologies we are researching and developing at our research facility. Our members and contributors are interested in the development of appropriate technologies for today’s world. We are individuals with varied backgrounds and abilities who share this common goal.
We will improve the world through the development of non-polluting, environmentally friendly, decentralized technological innovations. It is important to us at the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation that we give glory to the ancient geniuses who built the Great Pyramid water pump and who used it as they intended to better their own lives. We feel that an accurate and true understanding of the Great Pyramid water pump will give a wonderful vision of the future. When our civilization comes to know and utilize the ancient but highly advanced technologies of the Great Pyramid water pump we can live a cleaner, happier and more prosperous lives!
The Great Pyramid is a water pump!
Funding is provided primarily by small private donations. Our organization is supported through the philanthropy of people like you. We are seeking funding to further our research and to develop this water pumping system and to develop products which will reduce hunger and improve self sufficiency. Our current fundraising campaign is providing as a gift a signed copy of the books, Lost Technologies of the Great Pyramid, and The Great Pyramid Prosperity Machine to anyone who makes a tax deductible donation of $60 or more. We will pay the postage to mail these autographed books as well as additional resource materials right to your door! For more information about this offer please visit the How We Are Funded page.
Our Goals
The Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation has accomplished a number of important goals. We started as a loose network of researchers. The interest has been so great that we established a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit foundation. That in itself was a major goal. We have established our headquarters in southwestern Oregon and that is also the location of our research facility. We have conducted extensive research which has been compiled into two books written by Steven Myers. We have also produced two documentaries. The links for this extensive material is on our Links page.
Research activities are ongoing and there is still much work to be done.
- Another goal of our foundation is to spread the word about our research. One way to do this is to have our founder, Steven Myers be the guest on radio talk shows. He has been interviewed on over 130 radio shows. Many of the podcasts are on ITunes and YouTube and on our Podcast page. If you know of a late night radio talk show that would like to have an engaging guest talk about a fascinating subject, contact the radio talk show and suggest Steven Myers to be a guest on their radio show. A sampling of archived Podcasts are on our Podcast Page.
- We have conducted research and experimentation and have established an ever growing research library. If you have any books or materials you want to donate to our library let us know. We have also done work as a think tank.
- We have also sent a research team to the Giza Plateau to conduct valuable on-site research.
If you have any questions feel free visit our FAQ Page or please contact us.
© 2019 Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation. All rights reserved.