Steven Myers has produced two documentaries that were available on DVD from Amazon.
It has been decided to made the contents of both DVD documentaries available to watch on line for free!
Click on an images below to view one of those documentaries in the form of a series of short videos.
We hope you find the information in those videos of interest and please share the links to each of these
series of videos on your web site or in social media. Thank you for helping to spread the word!
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Both books by Steven Myers are from Amazon in softcover or Kindle eBook format.
Click on the book covers to go directly to the Amazon page for each book!
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We hope you enjoy both book and both documentaries.
Both books written by Steven Myers are available in softcover or Kindle eBook format from Amazon!
The Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation is an Oregon based, 501 ( c ) 3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of decentralized, energy efficient, non-polluting energy technologies. Our interests include responsible stewardship of the environment, conservation, and renewable, inexpensive energy systems and education. We feel many of our goals can be achieved through the development of new and emerging energy and conservation technologies we are researching and developing at our research facility. Our members and contributors are interested in the development of appropriate technologies for today’s world. We are individuals with varied backgrounds and abilities who share this common goal. We will improve the world through the development of non-polluting, environmentally friendly, decentralized technological innovations. It is important to us at the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation that we give glory to the ancient geniuses that built the Great Pyramid and who used it to better their own lives.
The Great Pyramid water pump operated without carbon emissions and without creating greenhouse gases. The Great Pyramid water pump did not harm the environment. The Great Pyramid water pump did not produce any pollution and was environmentally friendly. The advanced water pumping technology of the Great Pyramid water pump can help our modern but troubled world! The Original Builders were geniuses! The goal of our foundation is to redevelop this ancient but highly advanced water pumping technology to use in the here and now. The Great Pyramid water pump was built to help the builders in a tangible way. The technology of the Great Pyramid water pump can help us in a tangible way too!
The research conducted by the Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation is extensive and ongoing. Our Founder, Steven Myers has complied much of our research in the two books and two documentaries he has produced. These books and documentaries provide a comprehensive explanation of how the Great Pyramid was assembled using water locks and barges as well as how the Great Pyramid operated as an efficient water pumping system. Steven Myers is also a request guest interviewed in over 130 radio talk shows about his books and research on the Great Pyramid water pump. His two books are available from Amazon.com in both softcover and Kindle eBook format. Both documentaries are also available from Amazon.com in DVD format. Click on the images to find out about his books and documentaries and to listen to podcasts of his many radio interviews.
If you are interested in the direction of our research or have any questions
or want to contact Steven Myers to schedule an interview please contact us.
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